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Részletes információ
Cím: Assessment Journal
ISSN: 1073-8568
LCCN: 2012200603
Lektorált: Igen
Elérhetőség: EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate
Elérhetőség kezdete: 1996/07/01 - (és benne van) 2003/10/31
Arts and Humanities: Education & Careers
Business, Economy and Management: Finance
Beolvadt ebbe:: Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration [1357-1419]
Formed by the union of: Assessment digest [0731-0277]
Formed by the union of: IAAO update [0892-7154]
Formed by the union of: Property Tax Journal [0731-0285]
Formed by the union of: Assessment and valuation legal reporter [0090-6352]